My husband and I are musicians and enjoy playing out at bars and wineries, sharing our love of music with others. I had made us a simple website and wordmark, but hadn’t gotten around to making a sign for gigs. I had a cheap canvas laying around that I’d picked up at a steep discount at a bin store with the plan to eventually paint something on it. Happily, this made a great project for using it (and a proud moment for my craft supply hoarding tendencies – see, I did need that thing!!!). A few coats of ceiling paint and an hour or two later, I had a clean slate to work with.

I picked a handful of my favorite colors of acrylic paint and some brushes and got to work, using my daughter’s nifty portable easel and made a colorful background for our wordmark decal to pop against. A few coats of sealer and the painting was done. It was fun to work with my hands and I was pleased with the way it came out, especially when my decal came in and I could see what I’d mocked up in real life.

Painted canvas on the easel.

Mocked up with the decal art.

The finished product!